Friday, March 30, 2018

Angels Fall (Original Sin #2) by JA Huss & Johnathan McClain *~*~*~*~*~* Release Week

Angels Fall by JA Huss & Johnathan McClain
(Original Sin #2)
Publication date: March 27th 2018
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense
Sometimes angels fall.
Maddie doesn’t really owe drug lord, Carlos Castillo, money. So she hadn’t taken his threats seriously. Until now. He wants it, whether she owes it or not. And if she doesn’t have it in six weeks he’s gonna take her as payment instead.
Tyler would save the world if he could. That’s a fight that lasts forever. And if there’s one thing he’s good at, it’s fighting. So if Maddie thinks she’s gonna deal with an insane drug lord on her own, she’s crazier than he is.
She’s got a debt she can’t pay. He’s got more money than he needs.
She’s not gonna fall for his charm. He’s gonna make sure that happens.
They’re destined to be together. Even if Maddie doesn’t know it yet.
Sometimes your soul mate isn’t who you’d choose, it’s who you need.
Good thing you don’t get to choose.


“Who the fuck invited you?” I snarl at Tyler. “And how the hell did you even find out where I live?”
“I stopped by Pete’s. Met Pete. Sweet guy, by the way. I would’ve imagined a strip club owner as being kinda—”
“Pete told you where I live?” Jesus. Thanks, Pete. Fuck.
“No, no, not exactly.” Tyler’s standing way too close to me now. The girls are pretending not to be able to hear him, but it’s clear they’re eavesdropping. I hope they’re better at fucking guys for money than they are at spying.
Tyler leans in closer still, and I really, really wish he would not do that. Because I hate him and don’t want him anywhere near me. Or maybe because I can feel the heat of his body and he kinda smells delicious. Which just pisses me off more because I hate him.
He lowers his voice and continues explaining how he found me. “Don’t be mad at Pete. He didn’t want to tell me where you live. Seems like a really ethical guy.”
“Except he did tell you where I live.”
“Well, yeah, but it cost me five grand.” My eyes go wide. “I mean, he’s ethical for, y’know, a guy who runs a strip joint.”
Nope. This is not going down like this. “Get. Out.” I’m pointing at the door now.
“No!” Diane whines. “No, no, no. We’re just getting to know him, Maddie! Oh, my God. This guy. Where the hell have you been hiding him all these months?”
“Where have I been hiding him?” I see red as I go to him, hands out, and slam them into his chest. The force of my push makes him step back… half a step. Maybe. “I wasn’t hiding him anywhere, you traitors! This asshole ducked out on me years ago. And when I needed him, when I was begging him to—” I shake my head to clear my mind. “And then he shows back up and thinks everything’s gonna be fine just because we fucked a couple of times when I didn’t know it was him!”
There’s a beat before Annie says, “You fucked him?” with, like, way more excitement in her voice than she should.
“Not the point!” I shout as I slam my hands into his chest again.
But this time, he grabs my wrist and stops me, saying, “Can we please talk?”
I struggle in his grip, but he holds tight. I clench my teeth and spit, “Let go of me.”
He does. Immediately. Both hands up as if in surrender.
I decide to change my strategy. Because clearly Tyler Morgan is being Tyler Morgan. He attracts people to him like a siren song calling sailors to the rocks. He knows how to play up the act he perfected long ago. Seemingly genuine, charismatic, and fascinating as he leads the rest of us to our destruction.
So I pull the friend card out and whirl around to face Annie, Diane, and Caroline. Taking a deep breath, I say, “He’s not what you think,” in the calmest tone I can muster. My voice is shaky. My hands are trembling with anger. But I hold it together. “He ruined me,” I say. “He broke me into tiny pieces, dropped me to the ground, and walked all over me.”
Annie just stares at me, confused.
“What do you mean?” Diane asks.
“He left me, Diane. After Scotty died. He left me alone. He never came back. He never even showed up for his funeral. I begged him,” I say, starting to cry. “I begged him and he told me to stop. He just went on with his life like nothing happened. Like my brother didn’t just die the most horrific death possible. Like what we all meant to each other was meaningless. So I hope one of those stories he told you about our childhood included that little fact. And then…” I continue, drawing in a deep breath, willing the strength it takes to get this last part in so I can twist that knife in his chest the way he did mine. “And then he went off and made millions of dollars. Been living it up in a goddamned penthouse, no cares at all. No worries at all. While I’ve been back here…”
But I lose it there. I can’t say the words selling myself. Because I’ll die right now if I have to say that. I’ll die.
There’s a filled beat while everyone stares at Tyler, who never breaks eye contact with me. And I really wish he would. Because his eyes are sad and hurt-looking and no fucking way will I fall for that shit. No. Fucking. Way.
Caroline mutters, “He’s a millionaire?”
Jesus Christ.

Author Bio:
Two accomplished writers come together to create unforgettable sexy romance. JA Huss is the New York Times bestselling author of 321 and has been on the USA Today bestsellers list eighteen times. Johnathan McClain is a veteran actor and writer whose work, either performed or written, is probably airing on at least one of the channels on your television right now. You can contact them on their website or find them at their social links below.




Thursday, March 29, 2018

Review: Dirty Billionaire

Dirty Billionaire Dirty Billionaire by Meghan March
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Be sure to read the fine print...

Our heroine's chasing her dreams and she'll do anything to achieve them. Even sign a contract with terms she hates. This story stars a sassy country singer trying to make a name for herself. Some of her lines are hilarious. And she doesn't take crap from anyone. Not even the billionaire that pops up. And now a bit about the story...

Holly is in a "relationship" with a washed up singer. At least that is what was included in the record deal she signed. It seems JC's only mission is to embarrass her. But thanks to a great what she thought was a one night stand, she'll be returning the favor...

Favorite passages:
- Nearly fifty pages, and I read the entire thing. I was screwed by one contract, and I wasn’t looking to get screwed by both this man and his contract.
- She also has invisible scars and insecurities that I need a map to navigate without triggering.

View all my reviews

What He Always Knew by Kandi Steiner *~*~*~*~* Release Blitz & Review


What He Always Knew by Kandi Steiner 
Release Date: March 29th, 2018 
What He Doesn’t Know Duet, book 2 Genre: Contemporary Romance

WHAK cover FINAL_1

Left or right. It’s that simple, and it isn’t simple at all. If I turn left, the road will lead me back to the man I promised my life to, the one I’d imagined building a family with, the one who’s done everything in his power to get me back. If I turn right, the road will take me to the man I loved first, the man who brought me back to life, the man who would do anything to keep me. I knew the fork in the road was inevitable; it was the decision I never wanted to make between choices I didn't know I had. And I love them both. My heart is destined to exist in two equal halves — one with each man. But one half beats stronger, the vein running deepest, and holds my choice in silence long before I know it for myself. The realization of what I have to do, of the heart I have to break, just might break mine too. Left or right. All I have to do is take a breath and turn.

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I Heart Books Review 

What He Doesn’t Know by Kandi Steiner 
Review by Theresa Esterline 
Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

When a House becomes a Home...

Charlie's story continues. The passion, highs, and lows. If you read my promo posts for the What He Doesn't Know Duet, you'd know I hadn't decided which team I was on. And now a bit about the story...

As Charlie decides to give Cameron time and Blake shows back up in Reese's life, the pull on Charlie to decide draws to a conclusion. I finally decide who I would pick and chapters later Charlie agrees and then Kandi pulls a fast one and I can't believe what I've just read. Of course I'm sure she'll make it right...

Favorite passages:
 - “And you love me. And if there’s anything in this world worth making a mess over, worth fighting for, it’s that.”
 - Not only had he slept with her, but he’d fed me another baking sheet full of bullshit cookies before telling me that he’d slept with her.
 - “Well, no one says floozie,” he said, and I laughed,
 - Because I loved her enough to set her free.

Note: I was given a free copy and voluntarily chose to review this book.

About the Author:
Kandi Steiner is a Creative Writing and Advertising/Public Relations graduate from the University of Central Florida living in Tampa. Kandi works full time as a social media specialist, but also works part time as a Zumba fitness instructor and blackjack dealer.
Kandi started writing back in the 4th grade after reading the first Harry Potter installment. In 6th grade, she wrote and edited her own newspaper and distributed to her classmates. Eventually, the principal caught on and the newspaper was quickly halted, though Kandi tried fighting for her “freedom of press.” She took particular interest in writing romance after college, as she has always been a die hard hopeless romantic (like most girls brought up on Disney movies).
When Kandi isn’t working or writing, you can find her reading books of all kinds, talking with her extremely vocal cat, and spending time with her friends and family. She enjoys beach days, movie marathons, live music, craft beer and sweet wine – not necessarily in that order.

Connect with the Author:
Twitter: @KandiSteiner 
Stay up to date with Kandi by signing up for her newsletter here: 

Too Enchanting (The Lewis Cousins #4) by Bethany Lopez *~*~*~*~*~* Blog Tour & Series Review

Today we are celebrating the release of TOO ENCHANTING by Bethany Lopez. Too Enchanting is the forth book in a contemporary romance series, The Lewis Cousins. Check out the blurb and buy links below.

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Too Enchanting by Bethany Lopez

(The Lewis Cousins, #4) Contemporary Romance


When she was young, Serena Lewis was uprooted from the life she knew. Her parents took her from everything and everyone she loved, including her best friends… her cousins. Rebelling against the change, Serena became a young woman she knew her family wouldn’t like. Now that she's moving back home, she hopes to keep that part of herself in the past and become the woman she's meant to be.
Jed Monroe is a self-made man. Forced to grow up at a young age, he's always taken care of himself and worked to get what he needed. Working construction has given him stability, but working with wood is where his passion truly lies.
On the outside, petite and perfect Serena and rough and hardworking Jed have nothing in common. When Serena moves into the house next door, Jed is determined to ignore the sexy art gallery manager, who he just knows will be a pain in his ass.
But their shared loved of creating beauty from pain, along with the intangible chemistry that fires whenever they’re in the same space, forces them to dig beneath the surface to find their vulnerability. Jed will soon see that whether he likes Serena or not, she’s Too Enchanting to ignore.
Too Enchanting is the fourth in an all-new small town romance series by Bethany Lopez. Follow the Lewis cousins of Cherry Springs, the kind of place where there are festivals for every occasion and everyone knows your business, as they learn about love and loss.

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Not your average girl next door... 

Couldn't put this one down!  Of course, I've been a fan of the Lewis cousins for a while now!  They love each other, tease each other, and watch out for each other.  Finally Serena, their long lost cousin is returning.  But dig living away from Cherry Springs turn into an ice princess?  The cousins have also adopted two new 'cousins' into the fold, and as it turns out Jed, one of the new cousins, will be Serena's new neighbor.  And now a bit about the story...

Serena has just moved into her new place and can't wait to get started at her new job - getting the gallery ready to open!  Except her new HOT neighbor seems to be a little rude.  If only she could place him.  And why does he have to be sooo rude when he looks sooo good.  But it doesn't take long to discover she already knows him.  Jed, one of her cousins friend, turns out to be her neighbor.  After a few cold shoulder moments they decide maybe their first impressions were wrong and before you know it they are lip locked.  That is until Serena's high school nemesis comes to town.  Will Kylie bring out the snob in Serena and turn off Jed?  Or will Kylie's easy on the eyes persona kick Serena to the curb?

Favorite passages:

 - “Yeah, just treat her right, and you can live,
 - “Oh my gosh, why do you always catch me during my most embarrassing moments?”

Note: I was given a free copy and voluntarily chose to review this book.




TOO TEMPTING (Available now!)

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Temptations, temptations...

Funny romance with a hint of drama. I enjoyed the story being told from both perspectives. The budding romance tempted or main characters, while the red vines tempted me and I'm sad to say I didn't have any on hand. And now a bit about the story...

Imagine signing up to volunteer at your nephew's summer camp, but you get the dates mixed up. Now to make sure this is really Camp Gabriel Lewis and not Camp Crystal Lake! On the other hand, imagine seeing a beautiful and lost woman wondering around your camp. Gabe had a strict no girl or boy friends at the camp start up, but Zoey was about to break many of his rules...

Favorite passages:
- It looked like that’s what we had to do for the good things in life … wait.
- I guess you didn’t know what you were missing until you had a taste of it.

TOO COMPLICATED (Available now!)

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Camp may be over, but the Complications are just getting started!!

Too Complicated picks up shortly after Too Tempting ends. You could read this standalone, but knowing the history I appreciated reading them in order. This is a crazy funny story, I laughed out loud countless times. It is tender and loving, daring, complicated, with a touch of frustration. And now a bit about the story...

The Lewis and Zahn clans are both back and now living in Cherry Springs. A few cousins still haven't moved back full time, but most are back. This story features Chloe and Reardon, but has carryover for Gabe and Zoey, plus hints at what's coming next. Reardon has loved Chloe since he first saw her 14 years ago, but she picked Gabe. Football stud over geeky lawyer, story of his life... But she was back and Gabe was taken. Now to work his magic on her before someone else snatches her up first!

Favorite passages:
- “You can’t just roll over at her feet and beg her to scratch your belly. Women like a challenge.”
- “Baby, win or lose, I’ll mount anything you’d like.”

TOO DISTRACTING (Available now!)

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Pranks can be harmless...

The Lewis Cousins are back! Two of the five have met their match and next up is Dillon. This story will have you laughing, angry with the bad boyfriend and evil parents, and hoping for forgiveness. As in any relationship, communication is key! Though these two dance around they are also pretty direct, so nice change of pace. And now a bit about the story...

Dillon has the house, he wants kids, now just to find the right woman. Also back in town is his sister's best friend, she tortured him with her pranks and now he's agreed to help her with her business plan. Laurel drives him crazy, he tries to avoid her at all costs. Of course then he saw her in the bar without knowing it was he and thought about taking her home. Then there was that dress she wore to their last meeting. Lord she was going to kill him! If you remember from book 2, Laurel has been in love with Dillon since she was nine. Can he get over the pranks???

Favorite passage: Oh my God, I can’t believe I just did that, seemed to be my theme of the night.



Award-Winning Author Bethany Lopez began self-publishing in June 2011. She's a lover of all things romance: books, movies, music, and life, and she incorporates that into the books she writes. When she isn't reading or writing, she loves spending time with her husband and children, traveling whenever possible. Some of her favorite things are: Kristen Ashley Books, coffee in the morning, and In N Out burgers.

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Recovered by Jay Crownover *~*~*~*~*~* Review Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway


The road to recovery is full of twists and turns no matter who is in the driver’s seat.

From New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Jay Crownover comes a standalone romance with a hero sure to keep readers up long into the night. Check out the review below and pick up your copy of RECOVERED for just $.99 through release week only!


It was hate at first sight......


I hated Cable James McCaffrey.

He was entitled, spoiled, a user…and an addict.

He was out of control and didn’t bother trying to hide it.

He had everything anyone could want but still seemed miserable and lost.

Every move he made, every mistake he stumbled his way through, rubbed me the wrong way. However, I couldn’t stop myself from trying to save him from himself when no one else would. In the sweltering heat of the summer, Cable taught me that having it all means nothing if you can’t have the one thing you want more than anything else.


I was obsessed with Affton Reed.

She was rigid, uptight, and no fun. There was something about her innate goodness that called to me.

She acted like she was above all the normal faults and failures that clung to the rest of us like the scent of smoke after a fire.

I was infatuated with her, but that didn’t stop me from acting like she didn’t exist.

In the scorching heat of summer, Affton taught me that there is always a way back from the brink of despair. She showed me that the trick to having it all was realizing that it was already there, in my hands. All I had to do was hold onto it.

The road to recovery is full of twists and turns no matter who is in the driver’s seat.


RECOVERED is just $.99 through release week! Order your copy of RECOVERED today!

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I knew I was a mess.
Unhinged and hanging on the precipice of becoming someone who was beyond any kind of redemption. I teetered on the brink of making bad choices every moment I was awake, but somehow, some way, I always managed to keep myself from going completely over. It was the look in Affton’s eyes when I came out of my epic freak-out that had me keep one foot on the line and one foot behind it. There was genuine concern for me in those pretty, almost purple eyes. There was worry and want she tried to hide in that gaze, as well. She tried to hate me, but she was too good of a person, too compassionate and empathetic to follow through on those emotions. She cared, and it scared the holy fuck out of me.
I had no clue what to do with these new feelings. I was sure I didn’t want her to give a crap about me. I had no idea how to navigate genuine, sincere compassion. I was inexperienced in dealing with emotion that wasn’t leveraged or manipulated. I was unsettled and acutely aware of her.
Every breath she took, I swore I could hear.
Every time she blinked, those eyes that saw far too much and witnessed as I ducked and dodged her. I watched them grow dark blue, blooming like a bruise as she tried to hide the way my evasion hurt her.
Every time I sidestepped and ignored her, I swore I could feel the way her blood billed, and her aggravation made her warm from head to toe. I got hard at the way she flushed a pretty pink when I pissed her off, but I wasn’t going out of my way to tell her that. I wasn’t going out of my way to tell her anything.




Recovered by Jay Crownover

Starting over...

A heartbreaking story of dealing with addiction and starting over.  Have you ever hated, loved, and felt sorry for a character all at once?  That's where I am with Cable in this story so far...  I'm only 50% finished, though I usually do not write much about the book past this point anyhow, no one likes to read spoilers in their reviews.   However now that I've finished I can say he is worthy of all my emotions.   And now a bit about this story...

Affton's dad has moved her to his hometown in Texas. Her mom was an addict and she sees the same symptoms in Cable.  She tries to interject, but it is too late.  And now months later she is blackmailed into trying to save him again.  Will she be able to save him this time or will he bring her down with him?

Favorite passage: 
 - One minute your feet were solidly on the sandy bottom, the next you were in over your head.
 - He was his own kind of drug. Addictive and problematic. Once you had a little bit of him...

Note: I was given a free copy and voluntarily chose to review this book.

Jay Crownover’s RECOVERED – Review Blitz Schedule:
March 26th

March 27th

March 28th

March 29th

March 30th

About Jay Crownover: Jay Crownover is the international and multiple New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Marked Men Series, The Saints of Denver Series, the Point Series, the Breaking Point Series, and the Getaway Series. Her books can be found translated in many different languages all around the world. She is a tattooed, crazy haired Colorado native who lives at the base of the Rockies with her awesome dogs. This is where she can frequently be found enjoying a cold beer and Taco Tuesdays. Jay is a self-declared music snob and outspoken book lover who is always looking for her next adventure, between the pages and on the road.      

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Savage Prince (Savage Trilogy #1) by Meghan March *~*~*~*~*~* Excerpt Tour

  SavagePrince availnowbanner    
Who knew things could get even darker and dirtier in New Orleans? New York Times bestselling author Meghan March introduces the Savage Prince of the city, the man you never want to meet. I do what I want and who I want. I don’t follow anyone’s rules—even my own. I knew I shouldn’t touch her, but it didn’t stop me. Didn’t stop me the second time either. Only made me want a third. My lifestyle suits the savage I am, and she doesn’t. But Temperance Ransom is my newest addiction, and I’m nowhere near ready to quit her yet. I’ll have her my way, even if it means dragging her into the darkness. Hopefully it doesn’t kill us both. Savage Prince is book one of the Savage Trilogy, set in the same world as Ruthless King, however you do not need to read the Mount Trilogy to devour this scandalously hot new story.  


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“That you, Temperance?” My gaze searches the darkness, interrupted only by the Chinese lanterns and fairy lights hanging from the trees, until it lands on the red dragon emblazoned on the back of a black silk kimono, topped by a fluffy white head of hair. Shit. My landlady. “I’m so sorry to disturb you, Harriet. I’ll just—” She spins around, spry for her advanced age. “Oh, girl, you’ve got sex hair. At least that makes one of us.” I squeeze my eyes shut in humiliation. “I . . . uh . . . got—” “Done up right by a real man, I’d say. About damn time, girl. I was starting to think you were a lost cause of all work and no play. Almost wondered if I’d have to find a new tenant to get some entertainment around here.” I blink twice as she shuffles toward me, fluffy pink marabou slippers on her feet. “You were going to kick me out because I work too much?” I knew my landlady was a little nutty, but I didn’t realize she was downright crazy. “It would’ve been a last resort. I was going to send you a male stripper first. Girl, you need some fun in your life, and you do nothing but go between here and work. Boring as hell.” Her point is finally sinking in, but part of me is still in shock. “I’m boring?” “Of course you are. I swear, you go out of your way to stay that way too. But not tonight. Tonight, you look like you got dicked down by a real man.” She takes a seat at the outdoor patio table and reaches for a bottle of wine. “Here’s a glass. Now, sit down and consider part of your rent spilling the juicy details.” Dumbstruck, I close the distance between us and take a seat at the table. “It’s nothing. I swear.” “Girl, you’re practically walking bowlegged. I’ve been around the block plenty of times. You won’t shock me.” I reach for the glass of wine and take a long drink. Good Lord, I needed this. “I shouldn’t even be admitting what I did tonight.” Harriet’s aged eyes practically light up as she grins. “Those are the best stories. Come now, I’ll take it to the grave.” I squeeze my eyes shut. “I think I accidentally went to a sex club.” Harriet’s wineglass clinks the metal of the table. “I knew this was going to be good. How do you accidentally go to a sex club?” I tell her about the note that came to the office, and rushing to meet the appointment, assuming I was there to sell whiskey . . . and end with the part about running from the room. Harriet claps with childlike excitement. “There’s hope for you yet, Temperance. When are you going back?” I’m stunned at her reaction. I didn’t exactly expect her to judge, but I sure didn’t think she’d cheer me on. “Never. I can’t. That’s not me. I’m not . . .” “Interesting? Sexually adventurous? Up to be manhandled regularly by a real man?” “I don’t even know his name!” Harriet waves off my concern. “If I had a nickel for every man whose name I didn’t know, I’d be even richer than I am now. You can’t take life so seriously. You’ll never make it out alive. Now, you go upstairs, take the rest of this bottle of wine, and get tipsy enough to forget all the shouldn’ts and can’ts. If you need me to do some stalking to find this guy, just let me know. I have connections.”  

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  A New York Times, #1 Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author of over twenty novels, Meghan March has been known to wear camo face paint and tromp around in woods wearing mud-covered boots, all while sporting a perfect manicure. She’s also impulsive, easily entertained, and absolutely unapologetic about the fact that she loves to read and write smut. Her past lives include slinging auto parts, selling lingerie, making custom jewelry, and practicing corporate law. Writing books about dirty talking alpha males and the strong, sassy women who bring them to their knees is by far the most fabulous job she’s ever had. Sign up for Meghan's newsletter and receive exclusive content that she saves for her subscribers: To get the inside scoop on a daily basis, search Meghan March's Runaway Readers on Facebook and join the fun.